NSW Driving School Pass Rates

Roads and Maritime Services compiles and publishes a list of NSW driving school pass rates (PDF, 406Kb). This list is generated from information they record about the results of class C (car) driving tests conducted by them.

NSW Driving School Pass Rates List Limitations

When evaluating the information in this NSW driving school pass rates list, you should be aware of the following limitations on the information:

  • Some driving schools do not appear. For example, only driving schools that have presented 30 tests or more in the preceding 12 months are listed and schools that provide driver training for learners but do not present applicants for driving tests, are not listed. Where a driving school name reflects a personal name that may allow the identification of the individual, then for reasons of privacy, only those driving schools that have consented to inclusion on the list will appear
  • NSW Driving School Pass RatesSpecialisation – Some schools specialise in certain categories of students or regional areas, therefore this may affect performance
  • Driving school vehicles only – Only tests presented in driving school vehicles are recorded. Tests taken in private vehicles by students of a driving school are not included
  • Information provided by students or instructors – In some cases driving school details are provided to Roads and Maritime by students or instructors
  • Car tests only – Tests for aged drivers, motorcycles and heavy vehicles do not appear on this list, as they have different testing systems
  • First attempt tests only – The results of second and subsequent attempts are not included
  • Updated regularly – The list is updated regularly.

Accordingly, Roads and Maritime makes no representation as to the relative performance of driving schools. Although care has been taken in the compilation of the list, Roads and Maritime does not check or represent the accuracy of the information provided to it by third parties and no responsibility is taken for inaccuracies.

Schools are listed alphabetically in the NSW driving school pass rates list, based on driving school name.