Practice Drives Planner NSW

The Practice Drives Planner NSW (PDF, 84Kb) is available for supervisors, parents and learner drivers to plan on-road driving experiences. The weekly calendar-style planner can be put up on the fridge or on the wall, so that everyone gets a reminder to negotiate dates and times for practice drives.

The planner can also stimulate discussion between the supervisor and learner driver about where to drive, and what skills to practice. It helps when negotiating and developing a driving partnership. Learning goals and learning content can be found in the Learner Driver Log Book.

Practice Drives Planner NSWPractice Drives Planner NSW Points To Remember

  • Plan for practice on a variety of types of roads with different levels of traffic
  • Ensure the learner driver is getting variety in the time of day
  • Make sure you plan some night drives, preferably later in the process.